© 2021 Advanced Business Events – Made with ❤️ by Bullitt Creative Agency
Head of “SURAP” office of the “General Direction for Economic Development and Productive Activities”
© 2021 Advanced Business Events – Made with ❤️ by Bullitt Creative Agency
Ester Porras has a PhD in Physical Sciences from the University of Valencia.
After several years as scientific researcher and lecturer, she joined Aciturri in 2002 as head of R&D, role she held until 2016 when she took over the Direction of Engineering and Technology Development in Aciturri Aeroengines. Since 2020, she holds the position Chief Technology Officer at Aciturri.
Dan Sloat is Founder & President of the international non-profit, the Advanced Air Mobility Institute. He is also CEO of Volatus Infrastructure & Energy Solutions, one of the world’s leading vertiport design & electric mobility charging station providers.
As a United States Air Force Captain, he was responsible for orchestrating 13,000 drones during OEF. After his service commitment, Dan earned a Masters in Economics, a Masters in Business Administration, and a Juris Doctor. He lends his expertise to the Australian National Community of Practice for UAS and AAM Research. Dan is a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society and sits on the World Economic Forum AVIATE committee to advise on the future of autonomous flight.
He was born in Granada (Spain) in 1965, married and father of two children. Ph.D. in
Aerospace Engineering, Escuela Técnica Superior Ingenieros Aeronáuticos (ETSIA),
Universidad Politécnica Madrid, Spain. Post- graduate studies in Science and Technology
Management, Universidad Carlos III, Getafe, Spain.
Prior to joining Aernnova in 2000, 11 years technical international career as aerospace
analyst in C.A.S.A. now Airbus (Getafe, Spain), Boeing (Seattle, USA) and Hispano Suiza
currently SAFRAN (Le Havre, France).
Miguel Ángel has held management, direction, and corporate responsibilities in Aernnova,
currently VP Technology Development of the group. He has attained a balanced background
in the aviation industry, general management including experience in engineering, research
and development, operations, contract negotiations, financial management and strategic
business development. Demonstrated success in leadership, business, development, and
people achieving integral management skills.
He has been representing Aernnova in the board of the Aero Space and Defence Spanish
association (TEDAE) and currently in the Aero Space and Defence Industries Association of
Europe (ASD) Civil Aviation Business Unit.
He is also author of scientific and divulgation articles, book chapters and patents and
collaborates as Visiting Assistant Professor with “Universidad Europea de Madrid”, Spain
AIRBUS et l’ensemble de sa chaîne d’approvisionnement ont été confrontés à des défis importants au cours des dernières années, allant d’une restructuration majeure à une pandémie mondiale, tout en conservant un carnet de commandes exceptionnel à livrer au cours des 10 prochaines années.
L’objectif est de livrer tous ces avions dans le respect des délais, des coûts et de la qualité, ce qui représente un défi industriel, commercial et technique pour la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale et a obligé Airbus à développer son activité de pièces détachées autour de fournisseurs stratégiques clés.
Au-delà de l’excellence industrielle attendue de tous nos fournisseurs, certains facteurs de différenciation sont également essentiels lors de la sélection des fournisseurs clés d’Airbus Atlantic : mondialisation, capacité d’innovation, création de valeur, performance opérationnelle durable et amélioration continue.
L’exposé a pour but de présenter le développement des pièces détachées d’AIRBUS Atlantic, d’examiner sa stratégie d’approvisionnement et sa mise en œuvre.
Industrial engineer, with 15+ years of experience in the manufacturing and aerospace industry. During his 14 years at Alp Aviation, he has been Production Control Manager, Material & Resource Planning Manager, Business Unit Director. Ahmet Çelik’s current role is Programs Management Director, leading Business Development, Programs Managements and Project Managements teams in Alp.
Graduated in Electronic Engineering from Federico II in Naples, he began his activity in the space sector of the then Aeritalia as head of communication systems and on-board computers for satellites.
Previously responsible for scientific projects such as Hipparcos and Integral, he also worked for the International Space Station.
He was Vice President for Science and Exploration of Thales Alenia Space Italia dealing with the realization of important European projects such as GOCE, Herschel & Plank and the start of projects such as: BepiColombo which targets the planet Mercury, the Solar Orbiter project and the mission Exomars for the exploration of the red planet.
Since 2004 Member of the ISEC “International Space Exploration Committee”.
Today Vice-President Marketing & Sales for the institutional activities of Thales Alenia Space Italia and Chief Executive Officer of ALTEC S.p.A.
Graduated in Electronics, from 1986 to 2014 he worked for the current Leonardo Company covering in the Helicopters, Aircraft, Aerostructures and Electronics Divisions roles of Procurement & Supply Chain, Logistics / Industrial Transports and Facility Maintenance Director or SVP.
Since 2014 he has held positions as Managing Director or General Manager in various Aerospace SMEs and since May 2021 he has also held the role of Director of Business Development of the CURTI COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE Group
Roberto Gemma is the EMEA Product Sales Manager for Ansys regarding STK product line. He has been supporting business development and reseller manager roles, in various countries in EMEA region.
He received his BSc in Computer Science Engineering and a Master in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Rome RomaTre.
He is responsible for supporting Ansys’s Business Partners and Users to help them using and leveraging Ansys STK technology. He has spent more than 10 years between AGI and Ansys and 15 in the industry, proving efficiency and effectiveness of modeling and simulation software in the aerospace and defense domain.
Lt. Gen. Giuseppe “Pino” Lupoli is the Director of Directorate for Air Armaments and Airworthiness (Armaereo) in Rome. Joining the Italian Air Force as an Officer Cadet of Vulcano 3rd Course, he attended the Academy and the Naples University and got an Engineering Degree. Then he was assigned at the 51st Wing Operational Air Force Base in Istrana, where he was responsible of the technical- maintenance and logistics operations performed onto the fighters equipping the Squadrons at the Wing. After the operational period he was posted as commander of the Ministry of Defence Unit placed at Leonardo (former Alenia Aermacchi) and Leonardo (former Selex ES) in Turin and Caselle Torinese respectively where he had the task of overseeing all technical, quality and contractual activities performed by the two Companies for the Ministry of Defense. In particular, he followed the development of Eurofighter and Tornado ECR programs, integration on Tornado of new weapons, production of AMX, final assembly of AV-8B and repair, upgrades and overhaul activities on other national fighters.
Afterwards he took an assignment at NETMA in Munich (Germany), to follow the Eurofighter development, production investment and production phases. After four years, he came back in Italy and he was assigned at Armaereo in Rome, to work on the F-16 and F-35 projects and the Eurofighter type acceptance activities. Then he pursued central staff working at the Office of the Italian National Defense Armament (NAD) in Rome, where he was actively involved in the Joint Strike Fighter (PSFD MoU) and Eurofighter programs and in the negotiation of Gov-to-Gov MoUs. Between 2007 and 2009 he was posted as Director of Tornado and Eurofighter Air Force Depot in Cameri and afterwards he took the assignment at Armaereo as Head of the 2nd Division “CTOL/STOVL and Training Aircraft”. At that time, among other things, he was the ITA MOD chief negotiator for the F-35 FACO Capability Stand-Up Contract to implement the F-35 FACO at Cameri Air Force Base in the north of Italy. In Oct. 2012 he was appointed as Head of 1st Branch, dealing with all fixed wing aircraft (fighters, training, transport and special mission), and in Jan. 2016 he got the primary task of Deputy Director, Technical, keeping the Head of 1st Branch as secondary task till Oct. 2017. As Deputy Director he was actively involved in airworthiness activities and management of all fixed, rotary wings and unmanned programs.
In mid Jan. 2019 he was appointed at the Italian Air Force Headquarter – Logistic Command, as Commander of the II Division – Technical Operational Support Aircraft-Armaments-Avionics until beginning of Sept. 2020 when he got the current position of Armaereo Director. In March 2022 he has also been appointed as Head of the Corps of Aeronautical Engineers of the Italian Air Force, which includes physical and chemical personnel as well. He attended several courses and got an additional Degree in Politics Science and a post degree master on the European Union. Lt. Gen. Lupoli is married with Mrs Federica. He enjoys airplanes, cars, motorbikes, sea and sports. Additionally Gen. Lupoli is a Member of ENAC (CAA-Civil Aviation Authority) Board of Directors and UNAVIA
(Association for Standardization, Training and Qualification in Aerospace, Defense and Security) Vice President.
Riccardo joined GE in 1996 covering different technical and commercial roles before being assigned to Asia in 2000 as GE Oil & Gas region sales manager based in Kuala Lumpur. At the end of 2003, he moved back to the GE Oil & Gas headquarters in Florence, Italy, leading the Contractual Service Agreements business unit, part of the business’ Global Services division.
In 2006, he relocated to New Delhi, India, in the role of GE Country Leader, with the mandate to establish the Company’s operations in India, while identifying and launching key localization initiatives and partnerships. In 2009, he was nominated to the role of Turbomachinery Applied Technology leader based in Florence, Italy, where he was responsible for the product leadership of the entire Turbomachinery portfolio.
In 2013, Riccardo joined GE Aerospace Systems as AVIO integration leader, based in Turin, Italy. In this role, Riccardo led the team that planned the smooth transition of AVIO into GE. He was promoted to CEO of Avio Aero in mid-2013. In May 2020, he assumed additional responsibilities as CEO of GE Additive, and in December 2022 increased his leadership scope to include the Dowty Propellers and Unison Industries teams.
Riccardo holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in turbomachinery from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Luca is an Executive Engineering Manager with more than 20 years’ experience in the aerospace business in the field of advanced technology and new product introduction. Currently he is the R&T leader in Avio Aero, coordinating the Advanced Technology Organization’s activities of GE Aviation in Europe.
In the first part of his professional career he contributed to develop the current generation of aircraft engines like the GE90-115B and the GEnx-1B up to their certification, covering different positions inside these programs. During this time, he also grew in the various engineering leadership roles.
He’s currently member of the Clean Sky Governing Board and together with his team he’s working to define and execute the technology roadmaps to meet the environmental goals and the customer requirements which are driving development of future aircraft engines.
Avio Aero executive in charge for the strategy, business development and marketing since 2017.
Working in the aerospace industry for 20 years he previously held several key positions in various companies.
After starting his career in the Fiat group working in Italy, France and Spain he joined Fiat Avio in 2002 as a programme manager.
In 2006 he joined the Safran Landing Systems in Paris as a Programme Director for regional, military and helicopter programmes. In 2009 he was appointed Customers and Sales Vice President being responsible for the world-wide customer support and services platform. In 2012 he joined ATR as the Services Vice President, responsible for the aftermarket commercial organisation with the airlines.
Massimo holds a Master Degree in Aerospace engineering at the Politecnico di Torino and he completed Executive Management courses at the Ecole de Management de Lyon.
Stefano joined Avio Aero in 1998 as a development engineer working on EJ200 engine military program. Since then, he covered different roles as Technical Leader on different engine development programs with different OEM’s like Pratt & Whitney Canada and Rolls-Royce. In 2004 he started working on GE Aerospace programs developing a new 3-stages Power Turbine for CT7-8C engine, followed by the development of an upgraded Low-Pressure Turbine (LPT) for GENX-1B engine since 2011 as GE9X LPT Technology Maturation Program Leader. During this time, he took year-long international assignment at Pratt & Whitney Canada as well several short-term bubble assignments at GE Aerospace in Lynn and Evendale. In most cases he led the programs up to engine Certification.
Since 2015 he started working on Catalyst program as Model Engineer and then Model Engineers Leader in 2019. In 2022 he became Eurodrone System Leader leading the development of Eurodrone engine.
Piera is Avio Aero’s Chief Information Officer
since 2020.
She has more than 30 years of experience in
Digital Technologies matured working both in Industrial and Consulting
Companies where she has developed technical expertise as well as management
consulting skills and an extensive understanding of the business processes.
Over the years Piera has been involved in key
Digital areas: from Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) to Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) Systems, including Additive Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
Piera contributed to launch the “Women Network”
– an organization inside Avio Aero to attract and value talented professionals,
promoting their professional development and continues to provide her support
to “STEM by Women” Italian Association.
Piera holds a degree in computer science from the University of Turin.
Angela is the Managing Director for Boeing Southern Europe, with responsibilities for Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. In this role, she builds on Boeing customer and stakeholder relationships and forges new connections to advance Boeing’s
business goals in Southern Europe through proactive engagement. Until December 2020 Angela was the Director – BCA Structures Engineering, Product Development and Technology, overseeing structural/airframe developments in support of BCA Product Development initiatives, with emphasis on creating an effective and competitive production system. Angela was also the Technical Fellowship Executive Champion for BCA Structures Engineering, overseeing and guiding utilization and development of the approximately three thousand BCA Structures engineers located at sites around the world.
Prior to her Product Development role, she was Director for the New Midmarket Aircraft, leading a large multi-disciplinary engineering team and guiding design and production system development for the airframe fuselage and major airplane integration areas. Prior positions with Boeing include: Chief Engineer – BCA Structures Engineering Product Development and Technology; Senior Manager – BCA Seats and Interiors Stress, where she strengthened relationships between Boeing and FAA and opened a new stronger communication channel with EASA; Manager – 737-10 MAX Landing Gear – Test and Stress; Manager – 777 Aft Fuselage Engineering; and Manager – BCA Product Development Advanced Structures Technology.
Before joining Boeing in 2012, Angela held leadership and engineering roles at Alenia Aeronautica. She was Alenia’s onsite 787 Engineering Program Manager over the course of the 787 development, collocated with the Boeing Everett 787 Program since 2004, with assignments in Everett, Washington and Charleston, South Carolina. Her responsibilities spanned Engineering, Manufacturing, Contracts, Supply Chain, Quality, and Material Management organizations. She held several other engineering leadership roles with Alenia in support of the 787 Program and Boeing Product Development. She started her career as a stress analysis engineer, contributing to structural development and substantiation for numerous metal and composite programs.
Angela served one year as Professor’s Assistant at the University of Naples (Italy) in Structures and Aero elasticity, working with the Italian Center for Aerospace Research (CIRA). Angela holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Aeronautical Engineering, both from the University of Naples, Italy. She also earned certificates in “Modern Aircraft Structures” (University of Washington, 2017), “Additive Manufacturing” (MIT, 2018), and “Sustainable Business Strategy” (Harvard University, 2019). She recently also achieved certificates in “Leading Changes in Organizations” and “Model-Based Systems Engineering” Certificate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and two certificates in Negotiation from Yale and Michigan University, all in 2020. Most recently, she earned certificates in Archaeology “Wonders of Antique Egypt” (Pennsylvania University, 2020), in Psychology “Mindfulness” (Rice University, 2020) and 2 certificates in Economics – “Game Theory” (University of Stanford and University of Tokyo, 2020).
Angela Natale is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy Board of Directors and, in June 2022, was appointed new Acting Deputy Chairman of AmCham Italy. She was nominated amongst Forbes Italia’s 100 Best Women in 2021, and amongst Fortune Italia’s 50 Most Powerful Women in 2022. An active and engaged Society of Women Engineers member, she is a strong advocate for Diversity &
Inclusion. Angela is an avid reader, and enjoys fencing, painting, playing the piano, and walking her dogs. Angela is fluent in Italian, English and French; she is a beginner in Spanish.
Tim is responsible for identifying and delivering new technology required by Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) from Europe and the UK. Tim starts with technology requirements articulated by BCA and reaches out to government, academia and companies of all sizes, to create meaningful collaborative partnerships that delivers new technology. This includes securing relevant government funding contributions where available.
Prior to joining Boeing in 2009, Tim spent 10 years in the development and implementation of Vendor Managed Inventory, Direct Line Feed and In-site Solutions for a number of businesses such as Electrocomponents, Brammer and Satair. His expertise in this area evolved from previous years spent in Supply Chain development for RS Components.
For 15 years, Tim undertook a variety of sales and marketing assignments for RS Components including the development and management of an Integrated Supply business division. This particular assignment required Business Process Design skills which Tim acquired at Cranfield University School of Management. Uitlising leading edge supply chain thinking, Tim re-engineered the transactional relationships between customers and suppliers. This gained the attention of leading UK aerospace businesses seeking solutions to address the high costs of inventory required to support production and to address the disproportionately high transactional costs associated with procuring ‘C Class’ parts.
Tim trained as an Electronics Engineer qualifying at North Birmingham Polytechnic before spending five years with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as a Telecommunications Technical Officer.
An enthusiastic light aircraft and glider pilot away from work, Tim is well versed in the UK aerospace industry.
Eleonora is CIM4.0’s Head of Innovation & venture Lab.
She has experience in Innovation management for manufacturing, with focus on advanced manufacturing processes and digital technologies. Over the years Eleonora was involved in activities for Innovation management for large enterprises and business development for startup. She participated in the launch of an industrial spin off for additive manufacturing process, where she has developed technical expertise as well as management skills and competence for new business models.
Eleonora holds a degree in engineering and management at Polytechnic of Turin and an executive MBA at School of Management of Turin.
Laura holds a bachelor’s degree and an MBA in Business Administration from the University of Vermont Grossman School of Business. She also undertook an Executive Leadership Program from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business and accomplished a General Manager Development Program from Duke University.
She has led functions and businesses across the world. Prior to joining Collins, she was CEO of Thyssenkrupp Aerospace, with responsibility for strategy, performance and growth of the business across 20+ sites globally. Before that, Laura was with Pratt & Whitney for 17 years, managing a range of functions, including Business Development and Customer Service for Aftermarket, Customer Training USA/China, and IAE Spares, ultimately starting and then leading the PWAEI business in Lucerne, Switzerland as Managing Director, which included driving the V2500 Program HPC engineering transfer, supply chain and operations. Most recently she was General Manager for the Nacelles & Composites (NASCOM) business and Executive Director of Aftermarket.
In her role, she is responsible for overseeing all Italian Actuation Systems sites in Brugherio, Luserna San Giovanni and Torino, as well as the strategic direction and performance of the Helicopters & Components business globally.
Cristina Leone is SVP Projects, Grants and Agencies at Leonardo’s Chief Innovation Office. She is President of the CTNA, National Aerospace Technology Cluster, which is the national innovation pole, recognized by Ministry of Research, which includes the 15 main regional aerospace districts and the major industrial and aerospace research entities.Cristina Leone has been nominated as one of the Inspiring Fifty, Italian edition: the fifty most inspirational women in the world of technology.She began her career in the space sector in 1996 at Alenia Spazio, holding the position of head of telecommunications equipment.In 1995, he received a degree in Electronic Engineering, Remote Sensing and Radar Systems from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Ms. Barbara McQuiston is Chair of the NATO DIANA Board of Directors. DIANA’s’s goal is to enhance and accelerate transatlantic cooperation on dual-use technology solutions and help NATO work more closely with private-sector entities, academia, and other non-governmental entities.
DIANA connects defense personnel from across the Alliance with the best and brightest scientists, researchers, start-ups, and technology companies to solve critical defense and security challenges. DIANA is building a network across the Alliance in accelerators, test centers, and experimentation to help start-ups and non-traditional companies better support the NATO alliance capabilities andrequirements. DIANA will use challenge problems to solicit innovative solutions from across the Alliance and across technology arenas. DIANA focuses on key emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data, quantum-enabled technologies, autonomy, biotechnology, novel materials
and advanced manufacturing, energy and propulsion to problems across dual-use sectors such as space, energy, and security. As the Chair of the Board, Ms. McQuiston is responsible for developing rules and procedures for the Board’s functions, overseeing the development of the DIANA Strategic Direction, and working with defense science and technology leaders across the Alliance to develop a transatlantic innovation ecosystem their Allies can leverage to develop dual-use solutions to emerging
and disruptive technology challenges.
Prior to this role, Ms. McQuiston served as the Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Science and Technology (DCTO(S&T)) in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) at the Pentagon. Ms. McQuiston led the Department’s work to create DoD’s technology advantage, advocated for the Department’s S&T workforce and foundational laboratory infrastructure, oversaw the DoD Federally Funded Research and Development Centers and University Affiliated Research Centers, advised on the Department’s critical technology protection policy, and oversaw the health of the Defense technical industrial base and innovation communities
for future technology.
Ms. McQuiston previously spent nearly a decade in Government service at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where she served in the Defense Science Office, the Strategic Technology Office, and finally as Special Assistant to the Director for Energy. Throughout her tenure at DARPA, Ms. McQuiston directly supported the development of significant communications technologies and championed the development of alternative energy programs to reduce DoD’s dependency on imported fossil fuels. In 2010, she received the Office of Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service for her accomplishments in these leadership roles.
In 2011, President Obama nominated Ms. McQuiston for the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, though after her nomination became stalled in Congress, she requested it be removed. In addition to her time at DARPA, Ms. McQuiston has more than 30 years of commercial experience, including executive management in high-technology companies and Government service. Her background includes strategic planning and development of new and innovative technologies for information, communications, biotechnology, medical, and environmental markets; negotiation for technology agreements; and technology transfer from private institutes, governments, and laboratories to the commercial sector. She has been deeply involved in venture fund technology investment and technical oversight for research, development, and commercial product efforts. Additionally, she advised capital management funds and negotiated and managed technology transfer agreements in
both the public and private sector.
A graduate in Law, with a Master’s Degree in Diplomatic Studies, Giuseppe Acierno is currently the President and Managing Director of DTA – Aerospace Technological Cluster.
Since 1997 he has held management positions in both the public sector and in important Italian companies, including: first President and founder of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster, CEO of Aeroporti di Puglia S.p.A., the regional airport network, member of the Board of Directors of ENAV S.p.A., the Italian air navigation service provider, Director of External relations at the PASTIS CNRSM Science Park.
He has managed numerous R&D projects involving key international players in the aerospace industry and regularly teaches on post-graduate master degree courses.
He graduated in Industrial and Management Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. Since 2010 he has been working at the Innovative Companies Incubator of the Polytechnic of Turin (I3P) where he advises technology startups and entrepreneurs on business planning and business development. He holds the position of Program Manager of the incubation program for space startups (ESA BIC Turin) run by I3P. He has done several business coaching activities for SMEs and served as a board member and chief operating officer in a startup specializing in the development of IoT solutions for structural monitoring.
Giuseppe Carusi is a visionary futurist and accomplished engineer, currently serving as the Chairman of eVertiSKY, a pioneering company that stands as a single source provider of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) ground space and airspace infrastructure. Giuseppe’s visionary leadership is rooted in his extensive engineering background, which has provided him with a unique perspective on the possibilities of UAM. With a profound understanding of the technological landscape and a relentless passion for shaping the future, Giuseppe Carusi has contributed to elevating eVertiSKy to become a driving force in the world of UAM.
Graduated in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico of Turin, with Thesis work focused on Finite Element simulation of the additive manufacturing technology process Selective Laser Melting, developed in collaboration with Thales Alenia Space Italia.
CAE engineer since 2020, with technical activity focus mainly on automotive and industrial engineering fields.
Part of Exemplar since May 2022, employed as a CAE engineer, with a strong focus on the Aerospace and Defence engineering fields.
Main activities focus on Structural (Implicit/Explicit) and Thermal analyses, Reporting and Technical support to customers of the application tools DEP MeshWorks and Dassault Systemès SIMULIA
Federico Ramazzotti, 42, graduated in Aerospace Engineering, master degree in “Space transportation system”, master degree in “Innovative propulsion engine”, Master in Business Administration. His career started in 2004 as a contractor at the European Space Agency. In 2006, he moved into the automotive industries and he covered several roles in Product Development for many OEMs. Since 2018, he has held the position of Sales & Marketing Director of FEV Italia, a company that he has considerably helped in its growth ever since he joined. Many are the initiatives carried out by Federico Ramazzotti which have led FEV Italia to expand the business in several areas and to strategically increase the customer portfolio.
As an experienced professional in the international commercial airline business as well as the European Jet Business sector. Equipped with an analytic approach I systematically organize upcoming difficulties and manage complex contexts maintaining proper business processes. In my long-time experience I have refined my communication and negotiation skills, thus enabling me to adapt myself to new situations quickly.
Most recently I joined Germany’s top start – up company VOLOCOPTER. The Mission is bringing urban air mobility to life. Closely with the program management we helped in defining the specification of the first EVTOL aircraft, negotiated together with EASA a clear path towards certification and liaise daily with interested future partners and investors.
For 23 years know I am actively participating in various fields of the aviation industry. I have participated in many challenging times and this experience I bring with me is an added value for any future project and task.
My leadership skills are my strongest tool I can bring to any company. Forming and transforming teams to winning culture units is my passion. I see myself as an active player in this and I consider modern leadership skills to actively support and lead teams by demonstrating actively how solutions focus and challenges in working life can be solved.
As far as my personal attributes are concerned, my flexibility and quick perception allow for an easy adaption to new tasks and work environments. Always looking for ways to improve and gain a competitive edge, I am motivated to bring new ideas and processes into reality.
Exceedingly motivated, I look forward to the chance to support your company. Thank you very much for taking the time to review my application.
After his experience in private sector he has completed the Diplomacy Course of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
He has worked as export consultant of the governmental CzechTrade Promotion Agency and in 2018 became the director of its foreign office in Italy, responsible for the support of the Czech-Italian business activities and commercial cooperation. Since 2019 he has been responsible also for the Italian activities of the Business and Investment Development Agency of the Czech republic – CzechInvest.
Marek Atanasčev graduated in the economy and languages from the Masaryk University in Brno, an EMBA candidate by LUISS Business School.
India is the world’s most populous nation, the 3rd largest Defence spender with a capital outlay of $250Bn for next 10 years, 3rd largest and the fastest growing Civil aviation market, and a leader in Space sector with a successful line-up of cost optimised lunar, solar and human space missions.
Telangana is the most vibrant aerospace, Defence and Space ecosystem in India. It hosts a large number of Public sector Defence labs and production units and is the most preferred manufacturing hub in India for global Aerospace OEMs such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Airbus, Safran, GE Aviation etc. The State has more than 1000 SMEs in the precision engineering industry, many of which are integrated into the global Aerospace and Defence manufacturing supply chains.
The presentation shall cover the policies, ecosystem, and a roadmap for tapping the large market opportunities emerging in the Aviation, Defence and Space industry in India.
Aerospace engineer with 25+ years’ sales and marketing experience in the aerospace and automotive sectors. Management consultant since 2016, specialized in global business development, new products launch, joint ventures and other strategic partnerships.
Since 2018, Country Advisor in Italy for “Invest in Türkiye”, the official organization that promotes investment opportunities in Türkiye to the global business community, assisting the investors before, during and after their entry into the Country
International executive with 35+ years’ automotive experience leading commercial and industrial operations in 15 countries. Management consultant since 2017 (strategic growth, turnaround, joint ventures, global business development).
Since 2018, Country Advisor in Italy for “Invest in Türkiye”, the official organization that promotes investment opportunities in Türkiye to the global business community, assisting the investors before, during and after their entry into the Country.